Katsuyoshi Sakamoto 坂本 克好
Kodai Shiba 斯波 廣大
Dr. Chen Chih-Chieh
Yuko Ozawa 小澤 祐子
Moeko Hirano 平野 萌子
Tanaka 田中
Torii 鳥井
Asanuma 浅沼
Related Labs
■ Okada Lab (The University of Tokyo) https://mbe.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp/home-english/
■ Yamaguchi Lab (The University of Electro-Communications) http://www.crystal.ee.uec.ac.jp/
■ Shen Lab (The University of Electro-Communications) http://www.shen.es.uec.ac.jp/
Memberships in Academic Societies
■ The Japan Society of Applied Physics https://www.jsap.or.jp/english
■ The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp/en/
■ Information Processing Society of Japan https://www.ipsj.or.jp/english/
■ SIG on Quantum Software, Information Processing Society of Japan https://sigqs.ipsj.or.jp/
■ Advanced Energy Device and Intelligent Technology AI Research Station (EDITAS) https://www.editas.org/
■ SIMUNE (A software company that developed the ab initio calculation software, SIESTA) https://www.simuneatomistics.com/about-us/
The BOOST Program (Broadening Opportunities for Outstanding young researchers and doctoral students in Strategic areas) is an initiative by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) aimed at nurturing talent in critical national strategic fields.
■Daiki Sasaki (M1)
Selected for JST BOOST Program FY2026
Project Title: “Development of Tensor Network- Based Quantum Circuit Reservoir Computing”
Click here for more details (Japanese)
MITOU Program
MITOU Program is operated by IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan) and its mission is to discover and develop young talents who are capable of accelerating innovation and playing a key role in creating next-generation IT markets.
■ Nobuhiro Kasahara (M2)
Selected for MITOU Program in FY2023
Project Title: “Development of a Hybrid Quantum Error Correction Method using Model Predictive Control”
Click here for more details (Japanese)
■ Tomoaki Kimura (M2)
Selected for MITOU Program in FY2021
Project Title: “Development of Quantum Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (Q-POMDP) Method for Quantum Circuit Design”
Click here for more details (Japanese)
We accept students from overseas who wish to enter the Master’s and/or Doctoral programs in our lab. If you are interested in our lab as your first choice, please contact us through the CONTACT page on our website. For MEXT scholarship, please read the following website carefully.