


Elucidating the Mechanisms of the Large Stokes Shift in Isolated and Coupled PbS Quantum Dots
Hua Li, Chao Ding, Naoki Oguri, Yuuya Makino, Dong Liu, Yao Guo, Yuyao Wei, Yusheng Li, Yongge Yang, Dandan Wang, Shikai Chen, Taizo Masuda, Shuzi Hayase, Tomah Sogabe, and Qing Shen: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [IF: 3.700] Article ASAP, DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c02008 (2024/5/9)


Drift-Diffusion Simulation of Intermediate Band Solar Cell: Effect of Intermediate Band Continuity Constraint
Kodai Shiba, Yoshitaka Okada, and Tomah Sogabe: Journal of Nanomaterials [IF: 3.791] Vol.2023, Article ID 5578627, DOI 10.1155/2023/5578627 (2023/11/27)


Inverse design of intermediate band solar cell via a joint drift-diffusion simulator and deep reinforcement learning scheme
Kodai Shiba, Naoya Miyashita, Yoshitaka Okada, Tomah Sogabe: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics [IF: 1.491] Vol.62, SK1046 (2023) DOI 10.35848/1347-4065/acd34f (2023/6/8)


Enhanced Hot-Phonon Bottleneck Effect on Slowing Hot Carrier Cooling in Metal Halide Perovskite Quantum Dots With Alloyed A-Site
Hua Li, Qing Wang, Yusuke Oteki, Chao Ding, Dong Liu, Yao Guo, Yusheng Li, Yuyao Wei, Dandan Wang, Yongge Yang, Taizo Masuda, Mengmeng Chen, Zheng Zhang, Tomah Sogabe, Shuzi Hayase, Yoshitaka Okada, Satoshi Iikubo, Qing Shen: Advanced Materials [IF: 32.086] Vol.35, 2301834(2023) DOI 10.1002/adma.202301834 (2023/6/13)


High-efficiency InAs/GaAs quantum dot intermediate band solar cell achieved through current constraint engineering
Tomah Sogabe, Yasushi Shoji, Naoya Miyashita, Daniel J. Farrell, Kodai Shiba, Hwen-Fen Hong, Yoshitaka Okada: Next Materials [IF: N/A] Vol.1, No.2, DOI 10.1016/j.nxmate.2023.100013 (2023/5/6)


Enhanced current generation in quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells through optimizing the position of quantum dot layers
Yusuke Oteki, Naoya Miyashita, Maxime Giteau, Kento Kitahara, Kodai Shiba, Tomah Sogabe and Yoshitaka Okada: Optical Materials: X [IF: 3.754] Vol.16, DOI 10.1016/j.omx.2022.100207 (2022/10/25)


General Vapnik–Chervonenkis dimension bounds for quantum circuit learning
Chih-Chieh Chen, Masaru Sogabe, Kodai Shiba, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto and Tomah Sogabe: Journal of Physics: Complexity [IF: 2.154] Vol.3, No.4 (2022) DOI 10.1088/2632-072X/ac9f9b (2022/11/14)


Ultrafast inverse design of quantum dot optical spectra via a joint TD-DFT learning scheme and deep reinforcement learning
Hibiki Yoshida, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto, Naoya Miyashita, Koichi Yamaguchi, Qing Shen, Yoshitaka Okada and Tomah Sogabe: AIP Advances [IF: 1.697] Vol.12, 115316(2022) DOI 10.1063/5.0127546 (2022/11/10)


AI-Assisted Decision Making and Risk Evaluation in Uncertain Environment Using Stochastic Inverse Reinforcement Learning: American Football as A Case Study
Risa Takayanagi, Keita Takahashi and Tomah Sogabe: Mathematical Problems in Engineering [IF: 1.430] Vol.2022, Article ID 4451427(2022) DOI 10.1155/2022/4451427 (2022/10/10)


Demonstration of in-plane miniband formation in InAs/InAsSb ultrahigh-density quantum dots by analysis of temperature dependence of photoluminescence
Sho Tatsugi, Naoya Miyashita, Tomah Sogabe and Koichi Yamaguchi: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics [IF: 1.491] Vol.61(10) 102009 (2022) DOI 10.35848/1347-4065/ac9349 (2022/10/10)


Model-Free Deep Recurrent Q-Network Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Circuit Architectures Design
Tomah Sogabe, Tomoaki Kimura, Chih-Chieh Chen, Kodai Shiba, Nobuhiro Kasahara, Masaru Sogabe, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto: Quantum Reports [IF: 2.214] Vol.4(4) 380-389 (2022) DOI 10.3390/quantum4040027(2022/9/21)

ポイント💡:量子回路設計のためのモデルフリーDeep Recurrent Q-Network (DRQN) 強化学習

Over 15% Efficiency PbS Quantum-Dot Solar Cells by Synergistic Effects of Three Interface Engineering: Reducing Nonradiative Recombination and Balancing Charge Carrier Extraction
C. Ding, D. Wang, D. Liu, H. Li, Y. Li, S. Hayase, T. Sogabe, T. Masuda, Y. Zhou, Y. Yao, Z. Zou, R. Wang and Q. Shen: Advanced Energy Materials [IF: 29.368] Vol.12(35) 2201676(2022) DOI 10.1002/aenm.202201676 (2022/7/28)


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Quantum circuit architectures via quantum observable Markov decision process planning
Tomoaki Kimura, Kodai Shiba, Chih-Chieh Chen, Masaru Sogabe, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto, Tomah Sogabe: Journal of Physics Communications [IF: 1.200] Vol.6(7) 075006 (2022) DOI 10.1088/2399-6528/ac7d39 (2022/7/14)



Attention and masking embedded ensemble reinforcement learning for smart energy optimization and risk evaluation under uncertainties
Tomah Sogabe, Dinesh Malla, Chih-Chieh Chen and Katsuyoshi Sakamoto: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy [IF: 2.847] Vol.14, 045501 (2022) DOI 10.1063/5.0097344 (2022/7/8)



Hydrodynamic and Energy Transport Model-Based Hot-Carrier Effect in GaAs pin Solar Cell
Tomah Sogabe, Kodai Shiba, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto: Electronic Materials [IF: 3.400] Vol.3(2) 185-200 (2022) DOI 10.3390/electronicmat3020016 (2022/5/11)

ポイント💡pin 接合型GaAs太陽電池における流体力学およびエネルギー輸送モデルに基づくホットキャリア効果

Quantum Dot Phase Transition Simulation with Hybrid Quantum Annealing via Metropolis-Adjusted Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics
Kodai Shiba, Ryo Sugiyama, Koichi Yamaguchi, Tomah Sogabe: Advances in Condensed Matter Physics [IF: 1.500] Vol.2022, Article ID 9711407, DOI 10.1155/2022/9711407 (2022/4/11)

ポイント💡:Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA) と確率的勾配ランジュバン動力学 (SGLD) の併用によるハイブリッド量子アニーリングを用いた量子ドット相転移シミュレーション

Variational Quantum Circuit-Based Reinforcement Learning for POMDP and Experimental Implementation
Tomoaki Kimura, Kodai Shiba, Chih-Chieh Chen, Masaru Sogabe, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto, Tomah Sogabe: Mathematical Problems in Engineering [IF: 1.430] Vol. 2021, Article ID 3511029, DOI 10.1155/2021/3511029 (2021/12/23)


Quantum-Inspired Classification Algorithm from DBSCAN–Deutsch–Jozsa Support Vectors and Ising Prediction Model
Kodai Shiba, Chih-Chieh Chen, Masaru Sogabe, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto, Tomah Sogabe: Applied Sciences [IF: 2.838] Vol.11(23) DOI 10.3390/app112311386 (2021/12/1)



InAs/GaAsSb In-Plane Ultrahigh-Density Quantum Dot Lasers
Motoyuki Tanaka, Keichiro Banba, Tomah Sogabe, Koichi Yamaguchi: Applied Physics Express [IF: 2.819] Vol.14, 124002, DOI 10.35848/1882-0786/ac3542 (2021/11/22)



On the Expressibility and Overfitting of Quantum Circuit Learning
Chih-Chieh Chen, Masaya Watabe, Kodai Shiba, Masaru Sogabe, Katsuyoshi Sakamoto, Tomah Sogabe: ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing [IF: 3.700] Vol.2, No.2, Article 8, DOI 10.1145/3466797 (2021/7/9)



Experimental demonstration of energy-transfer ratchet intermediate-band solar cell
Tomah Sogabe, Chao-Yu Hung, Ryo Tamaki, Stanko Tomić, Koichi Yamaguchi, Ned Ekins-Daukes, Yoshitaka Okada: Communications Physics [IF: 5.400 ] Vol.4, No.38, DOI 10.1038/s42005-021-00543-1 (2021/3/1)




Editor’s Highlights に選出→→CLICK!

  • M. Watabe, K. Shiba, C-C. Chen, M. Sogabe, K. Sakamoto and T. Sogabe*, “Quantum Circuit Learning with Error Backpropagation Algorithm and Experimental Implementation”, Quantum Reports, Vol.3 (2) pp.333-349(2021), DOI: 10.3390/quantum3020021.

  • R. Suzuki, K. Terada, K. Sakamoto, T. Sogabe and K. Yamaguchi ,“ Low Sunlight Concentration Properties of InAs Ultrahigh-Density Quantum-Dot Solar Cells”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 58, (2019) pp.071004 1-7.

  • R. Sugiyama, S. Tatsugi, T. Sogabe and K. Yamaguchi, “Optical Transition and Carrier Relaxation in a Type-II InAs/GaAsSb Quantum Dot Layer”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.58(1) pp.012004 1-5(2019), DOI: 10.7567/1347-4065/aae8ea.

  • A. Makaino, K. Sakamoto, T. Sogabe, S. Kobayashi and K. Yamaguchi, “Self-Formation of InAs Quantum Dots on SiOx/Semiconductor Substrates by Molecular Beam Deposition”, Applied Physics Express, Vol.11 (8) pp.085501 1-4(2018), DOI: 10.7567/APEX.11.085501.

  • Bernice Mae Yu Jeco, T.Sogabe, N. Ahsan, and Y. Okada, “Temperature Dependence of Luminescence Coupling Effect in InGaP/GaAs/Ge Triple Junction Solar Cells”  J. of Photonics for Energy, 8(2), 022602 (2018)

  • S. Oikawa, A. Makaino, T. Sogabe and K. Yamaguchi, “Growth process and Photoluminescence Properties of In-Plane Ultrahigh-Density InAs Quantum Dots on InAsSb/GaAs(001)”, Physica. Status Solidi B, Vol.255 (4) pp.1700307 1-5(2017).

  • BMFY. Jeco, T. Sogabe, R. Tamaki, N. Ahsan, Y. Okada, “Impact of optically nonuniform luminescence coupling effect to the limiting cell conversion efficiency in InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple junction solar cell”, Journal of Photonics for Energy, Vol.7 (3) Article No. 035501 (2017), DOI:10.1117/1.JPE.7.035501.

  • E. López, A. Datas, I. Ramiro, P.G. Linares, E. Antolín, I. Artacho, A. Martí, A. Luque, Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe, A. Ogura, Y. Okada, “Demonstration of the operation principles of Intermediate Band Solar Cells at room temperature” , Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,149, 15, (2016),

  • T. Sogabe, Q. Shen, Y. Yamaguchi, “Recent progress on quantum dot solar cells: A review”, J. Photon. Energy. 6(4) 040901 (2016)

  • Chao-Yu Hung, Tomah Sogabe, Naoya Miyashita, and Yoshitaka Okada, ”Growth of ErAs nanodots by molecular beam epitaxy for application to tunneling junctions in multijunction solar cells”, Japanese Journal of Applied Phyisics, 55, 021201,(2016)

  • G. Linares, E. López, I. Ramiro, A. Datas, E. Antolín, Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe, Y. Okada, A. Martí, and A. Luque,”Voltage limitation analysis in strain-balanced InAs/GaAsN quantum dot solar cells applied to the intermediate band concept”, Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol., 132, 178 (5 pages)(2015)

  • Datas, E. López, I. Ramiro, E. Antolín, A. Martí, A. Luque, R. Tamaki, Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe, and Y. Okada,” Intermediate Band Solar Cell with Extreme Broadband Spectrum Quantum Efficiency”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 157701(4 pages) (2015) [selected as “Editorial Suggestion paper in Phys. Rev. Lett.]

  • López, A.Datas, I.Ramiro, P.G. Linares, E. Antolín, I. Artacho, A.Martí and A. Luque,Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe, A. Ogura and Y. Okada,” Demonstration of the operation principles of Intermediate Band Solar Cells at room temperature”, Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol., 149,15(4 pages) (2015)

  • C-Y. Hung, Sogabe, N.Miyashita, Y.Okada,”Growth of ErAs nanodots by molecular beam epitaxy for application to tunneling junctions in multijunction solar cells”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55 021201(7 pages) (2015)

  • Sogabe, A.Ogura, M.Ohba,Y. Okada, “Self-consistent electrical parameter extraction from bias dependent spectral response measurements of III-V multi-junction solar cells”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 23, 37(12 pages)(2015)

  • Sogabe, Y.Shoji, P.Mulder, J.Schermer, E.Tamayo,Y.Okada, “Enhancement of current collection in epitaxial lift-off InAs/GaAs quantum dot thin film solar cell and concentrated photovoltaic study”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 113904(4 pages) (2014)

  • Sogabe, Y.Shoji, M.Ohba, K.Yoshida, R.Tamaki, H-F. Hong, C-H. Wu, C-T. Kuo, S. Tomić, Y.Okada, ” Intermediate-band dynamics of quantum dots solar cell in concentrator photovoltaic modules “, Sci. Rep. (Nature Publishing Group), 4, 4792(7 pages) (2014)

  • Ogura, T.Sogabe, M.Ohba,Y.Okada, “Extraction of electrical parameters in multi-junction solar cells from voltage dependent spectral response without light bias”, Jpn J. Appl.Phys. 53, 066601 (5 pages)(2014)

  • Sogabe, A.Ogura, Y.Okada, “Analysis of bias voltage dependent spectral response in Ga0.51In0.49P/Ga0.99In0.01As/Ge triple junction solar cell”, J.Appl.Phys. 115, 7, 074503(7 pages) (2014)

  • Tomić, T.Sogabe*,Y.Okada, “In-plane coupling effect on absorption coefficients of InAs/GaAs quantum dots arrays for intermediate band solar cell”, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 23,546(13 pages)(2014) (Co-corresponding author)

  • Sogabe, T.Kaizu, Y.Okada,S.Tomić, “Theoretical analysis of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots in quantum wire array for intermediate band solar cell”, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, 6, 011206(11 pages) (2014)

  • Sogabe, A.Ogura, C-Y. Hung, V. Evstropov, M.Mintairov, M.Shvarts,Y.Okada, “Experimental characterization and self-consistent modeling of luminescence coupling effect in III-V multijunction solar cells”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 263907(4 pages) (2013)

  • Okada, N. J. Ekins-Daukes, T. Kita, R. Tamaki, M. Yoshida, A. Pusch, O. Hess, C. C. Phillips, D. J. Farrell1, K. Yoshida1, N. Ahsan, Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe and J.-F. Guillemoles, “Intermediate band solar cells: Recent progress and future directions”, Appl. Phys. Rev. 2, 021302 (2015) [Selected as the cover of the issue]

  • Y. Okada, K. Yoshida, Y. Shoji, T. Sogabe,  “Recent progress on quantum dot intermediate band solar cells”, (review paper ) IEICE Electronics Express, 10, 1 (2013)

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